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Anti-Harassment Program


The Anti-Harassment Program addresses workplace harassment including, but not limited to the following categories: unwanted physical contact; offensive jokes; epithets or name-calling; ridicule or mockery; insults or put-downs; displays of offensive objects or imagery; offensive non-verbal gestures; stereotyping; intimidating acts; veiled threats of violence; threatening or provoking remarks; racial or other slurs; hazing; bullying;  and derogatory remarks about a person's accent or disability. We also offer education/training opportunity such as Unconscious Bias, Psychological Safety, Emotional Intelligence, Harassment Prevention and Response, and Active Listening. We provide assistance with sensing sessions and focus groups.   

Anti-Harassment Program

What to do and where to go if you experience workplace harassment.

reporting venues

  • Reporting Venues

    Civilian employees experiencing or witnessing Bullying or Harassment:
    Anti-Harassment Office, DEIA, Resource Advocacy

    All Civilian and Military cases of Unlawful Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Unlawful Discrimination to include Military Bullying and Hazing:
    Equal Opportunity Office

    Sexual Assault:
    Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)

    Reports of a Criminal Nature:
    Office of Special Investigations (OSI)


    Fraud, Waste, and Abuse or other violations of law or policy:
    Inspector General (IG)

    Breaches in Employee Bargaining Agreement:

Equal Opportunity Process

  • Designed to make individuals whole for discrimination that already has occurred

  • Prevent the recurrence of the unlawful discriminatory conduct

  • Cannot require an agency to discipline its employees

  • Agency must complete its investigation within 180 days

  • Limited to nine EEO protected bases

  • No third-party reporting

  • Must meet regulatory time limits; reported in 45 days

Anti-Harassment Process

  • Intended to take immediate and appropriate corrective action to eradicate harassment, which may include the use of disciplinary actions for a FAST process

  • Prevent harassing conduct before it can become “severe or pervasive”

  • Inquiries must take place immediately and be completed within a reasonable period of time

  • Includes matters beyond EEO protected bases

  • Third-party complaints allowed

  • Not restricted by time limitations

Key Definitions

Harassment that Detracts from an Efficient Workplace - Behavior that is unwelcome or offensive to a reasonable person AND that interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment is prohibited

• In some circumstances, a single incident of harassing behavior is prohibited harassment whereas, in other circumstances, repeated or recurring harassing behavior may be required to constitute prohibited harassment (DoDI 1020.04, 3.1)

• Harassment can be oral, visual, written, physical, or electronic including social media, other forms of communication, and in person (DoDI 1020.04, 3.3)

Unlawful Harassment - Creating an intimidating, hostile working environment for another person on the basis of the (EEOC) protected classes (DAFI 36.2710, 2.4)

• A hostile work environment is a series of acts which are so severe or pervasive as to alter the terms and conditions of employment

Unlawful Discrimination - Failing or refusing to hire or promote, removing, or otherwise discriminating against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of a person’s race, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), color, religion, national origin, age (40 or older), genetic information, disability, or prior equal opportunity activity.

Sexual Harassment - Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature particularly when submission to such conduct is made directly or indirectly as a term or condition of employment, and/or when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the person.

Examples of Harassment

  • Unwanted Physical Contact

  • Offensive Jokes

  • Epithets/ Name-calling

  • Ridicule/ Mockery

  • Insults/ Put-downs

  • Displaying offensive objects or imagery

  • Offensive gestures

  • Stereotyping

  • Intimidating Acts

  • Veiled Threats of Violence

  • Threatening or provoking   gestures

  • Racial or other slurs

  • Derogatory remarks about a person’s accent or disability

  • Displays of racially offensive symbols

  • Hazing

  • Bullying

  • Microaggressions

Behavior That Is Not Harassment

  • Activities or actions undertaken for a proper military or governmental purpose, such as combat survival training, assignment of work related to the duties and responsibilities of the employee, and performance counseling, are not harassing behaviors. (DoDI1020.04 para 3.4)
  • Similarly, an occasional misunderstanding between employees due to differences in how they communicate is not necessarily harassment, even if it makes one or both employees uncomfortable. (DAFI 36-147)

Contact Us

P: 937-904-0978
Building 219
5030 Pearson Rd., Area A
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433

Anti-Harassment Program Team

Program Manager:
Mr. Gary Sapp
Ms. Randi Andersen