• Graduation ceremony honors ALS Class 24-F

     Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio—The Chief Master Sgt. Grace A. Peterson Airman Leadership School honored 25 graduating Airmen at a ceremony August 29, 2024, in the Wright-Patt Club.The guest speaker, class mentor Chief Master Sgt. Eva Friend, 88th Medical Group senior enlisted leader, told

  • AFIT’s Immersive Cyber Education Program targets cadets 

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Cellphones, computers, satellites, cars, airports, sewage systems, thermostats, insulin pumps and even your coffee maker all have ties to cyberspace. All of them are necessary. All of them are exploitable and corruptible. These are the critical tools that make

  • AFIT Launches Updated Joint Intermediate Cyberspace Operations Course

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - The Air Force Institute of Technology’s School of Strategic Force Studies recently launched a new version of the Joint Intermediate Cyberspace Operations course, also known as Cyberspace 200. The updated course is designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s

  • Altered gate hours, road closures set for race day

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base will host the Air Force Marathon on Sept. 21. The following gate hours and road closures are scheduled: Area A: Gate 1A (Commissary Gate)The gate will be closed from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. as it’s part of the marathon route.

  • AFIT Welcomes New Commander

     WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Col. Christopher Rondeau assumed command of Air University Detachment 1 at the Air Force Institute of Technology on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, during a ceremony on July 31, 2024.   As AFIT’s senior military leader, he is responsible for

  • Insider Threat: Your vigilance protects our nation

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Imagine an enemy walking among us, entrusted with our nation's sensitive and classified information, and intent on causing harm or disruption. September is National Insider Threat Awareness month, and a good time to remind us all that insider threats pose a

  • Summer civilian all call creates connections for new hires

    Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio – The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Junior Force Council hosted a “Summer Trainee All Call” for new civilian employees to foster professional and personal connections across the base on August 15, 2024, at Bass Lake Lodge. The all-call was open to civilian