• The Great Power Competition at Wright-Patterson AFB

     Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio - October marks Energy Action Month, a time to reflect on the importance of energy resilience, efficiency, and security for our nation’s military operations. As the U.S. confronts emerging global challenges, particularly within the context of the Great Power

  • A Lookback...The Early Beginnings of Wright Field

     WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - On April 13, 1926, groundbreaking began on land recently donated to the United States Government from the City of Dayton, Ohio. However, acquiring this land was not the beginning of Dayton’s critical role in the history of aviation rather, it was a concerted

  • Recruiting Airmen in a small world  

     WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Sometimes, it really is a small world. Case in point, the front office of the 338th Recruiting Squadron. In that office sit two Air Force senior non-commissioned officers. One year ago, these two gentlemen had no idea the other even existed. In hindsight,

  • 2024 Annual Retiree Appreciation on Wright-Patterson Oct. 23

      WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The 88th Air Base Wing’s annual Retiree Appreciation Day is set for Oct. 23 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wright-Patt Club, providing networking opportunities to link Miami Valley’s military retirees to various veteran resources.Open to all military retirees

  • Junior Force Council hosts Leadership Symposium

    The Junior Force Council held their annual Leadership Symposium at the Wright-Patt Club on Sept. 12, 2024. The event had 200 employees register for the symposium: half of those being first year employees at Wright-Patt.Chief Master Sergeant Tessa Fontaine, 88th Air Base Wing Command Chief, was the

  • Smoke alarms: Make them work for you

     Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio - The WPAFB Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association to promote this year’s Fire Prevention Week, October 6-12. The theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week is “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” The campaign is focused

  • September is National Preparedness Month

     Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio - September is National Preparedness Month, and the theme this year is “Start a conversation about Preparedness.” For most people, talking about the “what-if’s” or bad things that could happen isn’t always easy. We may think we’re protecting the people we love

  • Graduation ceremony honors ALS Class 24-F

     Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio—The Chief Master Sgt. Grace A. Peterson Airman Leadership School honored 25 graduating Airmen at a ceremony August 29, 2024, in the Wright-Patt Club.The guest speaker, class mentor Chief Master Sgt. Eva Friend, 88th Medical Group senior enlisted leader, told