
The Integrated Resilience Office mission is to reduce incidences of interpersonal & self-directed violence by building and sustaining a resilient community that fosters mental, physical, social, and spiritual fitness.


  • Scan the QR code for a list of classes we offer!

    To learn more about course offerings, select the below course titles to expand. 


WP-Connect provides resource connection and care navigation to service members and their families at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The WP-Connect team can help with connection to resources for basic needs, employment, mental health & substance use, higher education, finances & benefits, legal, physical health, housing & homelessness, family & social supports, spirituality. 

WP-Connect is staffed by a team of military veterans who help with a customized resource plan, reduce barriers to resources.

What is WP-Connect? It's a call center for Wright Patterson which is answered by a care navigator (no automated answering system here!) who will connect the caller with resources, assist the caller with on and off base aid, reduce barriers to accessing resource, and directly connecting the caller with assistance and provide follow up services and MORE!

To Connect
Submit a referral form online by scanning the QR code or visiting our website.

Our team of military veterans has extensive experience navigating services and systems. They can help you find the resources you need, reduce barriers and help you get connected.

WP-Connect Program Coordinator:
Noelle Diller  |  |  937-713-5443

A member of the team will reach out to you within two business days or you can schedule a call using the online calendar.

WP-Connect is a project of Arizona State University and the Arizona Coalition for Military Families

Contact Us

P: 937-904-0992

Resiliency Center
Area A, Building 219, First Floor
5030 Pearson Road
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433

Connect logo


Director, Integrated Prevention & Resilience:
Dr. Thomas Tirey
Chief, Integrated Prevention:
Trina Pauley 
Prevention Coordination Specialist:
Melinda Jessup
Prevention Analyst: 
Stephanie Sund
Prevention Specialist:
Shelly Scantling
