• Honorary Commanders Program returns to Wright-Patt

    Community leaders received a base tour Oct. 12 and were inducted as honorary commanders by their Wright-Patt leadership counterparts at a kickoff event in the Wright-Patt Club.The Honorary Commanders Program objective is to educate local leaders about a unit’s mission and foster a supportive

  • Hospitals forge positive change in military medicine

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- What began as a helping partnership between the Wright-Patterson and Dayton Veterans Affairs medical centers became a boost to military medical training and increased care for veterans.Since early 2021, Dr. (Maj.) Matt Koroscil, director of the Medical

  • AFIT consultation results in significant savings for maintenance groups

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Air Force Institute of Technology instructors provided theory of constraints and critical chain project management consulting to two maintenance groups.The result was the highest home-station sortie rate in five years for the 140th Maintenance Group at

  • Pollinator Expo creates buzz on and off base June 8

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — About 300 base and local community members learned how to give wings to efforts toward healthier and more diverse habitats for hummingbirds and humans alike June 8 at the annual Pollinator Expo, hosted by 88th Civil Engineering in partnership with local

  • Base cultivates food sources, friendship, at Arbor Day event

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base planted trees and grew partnerships April 26, celebrating 25 years as a Tree City USA during the week of Arbor Day.Students from Fairborn High School’s Environmental Club and foresters from the Ohio Department of Natural