Honorary Commanders Program returns to Wright-Patt Published Nov. 3, 2022 By Hannah Carranza 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Community leaders received a base tour Oct. 12 and were inducted as honorary commanders by their Wright-Patt leadership counterparts at a kickoff event in the Wright-Patt Club. The Honorary Commanders Program objective is to educate local leaders about a unit’s mission and foster a supportive relationship with the community. It also serves as a forum in which Wright-Patt commanders can solicit advice and support on matters affecting military and civilian communities. “The more we understand each other’s problems, the more we can find solutions to help each other be better partners,” said Col. Christopher Meeker, 88th Air Base Wing and installation commander. “That’s really the core of this program.” Each civic or business leader is paired with a Wright-Patt commander for a two-year term. All events and interactions are designed to encourage an exchange of ideas, experiences and friendship between the local and Wright-Patt military communities. For more information about the Honorary Commanders Program, contact the 88 ABW Public Affairs Office at 937-522-3252.