• National Suicide Prevention Month

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – In 1979, while stationed at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, I heard about Capt. Ron Keys and a “Dear Boss” letter he had written.The letter to his supervisor went like this: “I’m tired of the extremely poor leadership and motivational ability of our

  • Great leaders uphold standards, integrity

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - What does it take to be a great leader? It is easier than you think: Hold the standard, lead with integrity and be open to feedback.As I sat in the movie theater at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, waiting for the 27th Special Operations Group commander to

  • Block party rocks WPAFB’s historic Brick Quarters

    Lily, 5, and Skyler, 7, the children of 1st Lt. Brandon and Amber McVey, play amongst the bubbles at a block party Aug. 12, 2021, put on by the 88th Force Support Squadron in the historic Brick Quarters housing area at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The party was the middle in a summer

  • Make this school year a safe experience for all

    Across the Miami Valley, area schools are beginning the new academic year. It is imperative that vehicle operators pay undivided attention to their surroundings.Students walking to and from school or the bus stop may not have pedestrian safety foremost in their minds. Remember, children may not be

  • Ground crews keep grass in check around base

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - During summer months, containing the grass and plant life on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base becomes an around-the-clock task. It’s a task the 88th Civil Engineer Squadron has the ability to combat.“The crews handle each of their responsibilities with extreme

  • 88 ABW Spotlight

    Name and rank: JC Snediker, NH-3Duty title: Chief of ProtocolUnit of assignment: 88th Air Base Wing, Protocol OfficeWhat do you do at Wright-Patt? I’m responsible for leading a team that supports the 88th Air Base Wing and over 115 tenant units by providing protocol support and guidance for official

  • Wright-Patterson Spotlight: Vince King Jr.

    Name and rank: Vince King Jr., GS-13Duty title: Community Partnership Program managerUnit of assignment: 88th Air Base Wing, Strategic Initiatives OfficeWhat do you do at Wright-Patt? As the Community Partnership Program manager for the installation, I am responsible for planning, managing,

  • Keep sun safety in mind to prevent skin cancer

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Whether you spend time outdoors hiking, swimming or just relaxing in the backyard, exposure to the sun’s harmful rays must be a priority.According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S.,

  • Block Party Concert at WPAFB features live music, food, fun

    Alexandra Burger, 6, daughter of Col. Paul Burger, dances and chases bubbles June 24, 2021, at a block party sponsored by the 88th Force Support Squadron at Turtle Pond in the brick quarters historic district at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The party, the first of a series of three through

  • WRIGHT-PATT AFTER DARK: Fire Department stands ready 24/7 to render aid

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Rain or shine, 3 a.m. or 3 p.m., members of the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department stand ready to help the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base community and the nearly 30,000 Airmen, civilians and contractors who work and live on the installation.The