• 88th Mission Support Group provides heavy lift at WPAFB

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – With the largest Force Support Squadron in the continental U.S., the 88th Mission Support Group “dominates the dirty work” by covering a wide range of functions at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, living up to its motto of being the “muscle behind the

  • 88 DTS does it out of sight and beneath the surface

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The 88th Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron “dominates the dirty work” behind the scenes often finding things that are hidden from view.“When I was deployed to Afghanistan, I had that epiphany as a senior airman/staff sergeant,” said Senior Master Sgt.

  • Air Force’s second-largest medical center delivers premier care

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The 88th Medical Group remains on the cutting edge of health care services and technology as a role model for other military medical centers worldwide.As host unit of the Air Force’s second-largest hospital, 88 MDG delivers multiple services ranging from

  • The Civil Engineering Division dominates the dirty work

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- When it comes to dominating the dirty work, the Civil Engineering Division, a subordinate unit of the 88th Civil Engineer Group, demonstrates its skills by keeping the facilities on the installation safe and functioning for the community.“We handle the life

  • 88th Civil Engineering Squadron dominates the dirtiest jobs

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – While snow plowing and national defense strategy may not seem to share anything in common, the mission down range would fall flat without the 88th Civil Engineer Squadron’s willingness to do the dirty work.88th CEO Mission: Operate, maintain and repair the

  • Installation Management Division: The trifecta of mission support

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – It can be argued that the 88th Civil Engineer Group’s Installation Management Division provides for and protects Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s most valuable assets. The flights within 88 CEI ensure our Airmen, our land and every asset and piece of

  • Wright-Patt aims to ‘dominate the dirty work’ in 2023

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Dirty work is often thought of as unflattering, tedious or boring – tasks in which you may have to wear certain gear as to not soil or stain your uniform of the day. It’s often overlooked and unappreciated.Those tasks are rarely sought after but vital to

  • Pollinator Expo creates buzz on and off base June 8

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — About 300 base and local community members learned how to give wings to efforts toward healthier and more diverse habitats for hummingbirds and humans alike June 8 at the annual Pollinator Expo, hosted by 88th Civil Engineering in partnership with local