M&FRC Airman prioritizes selfless service, support towards military families Published March 2, 2023 By Darrius Parker 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Master Sgt. Joseph Gillispie, 88th Force Support Squadron Military & Family Readiness Center noncommissioned officer, displayed a bag of candy Nov. 8, 2022, during the "Thankful for my Military Family" event at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The M&FRC supports individuals, families and leadership with programs and services to strengthen communities, encourage self-sufficiency, enhance mission readiness and ease adaptation to the Air Force way of life. (Contributed Photo) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Formerly known as Airman and Family Readiness Center, the Military and Family Readiness Center changed its name in July of 2022 to exhibit a more inclusive environment for military members of all branches, Department of Defense employees and their families. Master Sgt. Joseph Gillispie, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base M&FRC Readiness noncommissioned officer, is one of 20 staff who serve the military and civilian population in order to improve their lives through education, transition assistance, financial support and other provided services. His role entails running the military and family readiness program for the installation, which includes being the coordinator for the emergency family activation center that becomes the central point of information for families during crisis situations. He also assists personnel and their families during the deployment process. This consists of pre-deployment support, assisting the family members during a deployment, and reintegrating those deployed members when they return home. The M&FRC is here to help during all phases of a deployment, supporting the deploying member and their family. "I have always loved helping people, and now, as the WPAFB readiness NCO, I have the opportunity to lead, mentor and offer guidance to a new group of people,” Gillispie said. “I take this responsibility very seriously, as there are very few moments that are more critical than providing assistance to someone in need, whether they are having a hard time or needing advice on opportunities to help them achieve greater levels of success in their careers and personal lives. “Especially for those who are deployed or will be deploying soon, it's very rewarding to ensure those individuals are provided with skills and resources to be resilient during a deployment to demonstrate that we are here for them and their families. It’s never an easy process to leave your family, but we do what we do so that those deployed individuals are able to remain focused on their mission abroad.” Gillispie has served this country for 22 years and has been in his current position for the last 20 months. He has also completed multiple deployments at different duty locations both stateside and overseas, with his most previous assignment being at the U.S. Embassy in Malaysia. The main thing that motivates Gillispie to keep going is being able to help others and seeing the smiles on their faces, he said. “There are so many opportunities for military members, DoD employees and families to take advantage of,” Gillispie said. “All it takes is for people to be told of these opportunities and encouraged to utilize them.” All who are eligible to receive the M&FRC services have the opportunity to sign up for any of the following programs. The Wright-Patt Military & Family Readiness Center graphic. (U.S Air Force graphic by David Clingerman.) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res -Employment Assistance -Personal Financial Readiness -Exceptional Family Member Program -Military & Family Life Counselor -Air Force Families Forever -Relocation Assistance -Volunteer Resources -Personal and Family Life Education -Information and Referral -Family Readiness -Hearts Apart Morale Calls -Key Spouse Program -Transition Assistance Program -Veterans Administration Benefits Advisors -Loan Closet The Wright-Patterson M&FRC is located at 2000 Albrook Drive, Building 2. Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. For more information, call 937-257-3592 or visit www.wpafb.af.mil/MFRC.