patient tracker information

Directions for use of WPAFB COVID-19 Unit Control Center Tracker

WPAFB ABW Patient Tracker (pending)

All units, to include tenet units, must notify Public Health when personnel are impacted by COVID-19 via the unit tracker (i.e. those placed in quarantine or those testing positive). As the UCC tracking continues to evolve with the pandemic, the process and the actual Excel spreadsheet will be updated on this site.

If you have an individual identified with COVID-19 like symptoms, or if they were considered a close contact by local or WP Public Health then the following fields need to be filled out on the tracker:

  • Name
  • Unit and subunit
  • Yes/no symptoms,
  • Identified as a close contact
  • Member type and
  • MIL status

All COVID-19 positive cases must be reported, and it is the unit’s responsibility to make sure their member on the tracker is monitored daily and any updates added to the tracker.  For COVID-19 positives, all fields need to be filled out.

  • If a member’s status, previously identified as having symptoms or a close contact is updated to positive with COVID-19, all fields need to be filled out.

Home Monitoring Directions for COVID-19 Unit Health Monitors:

  • New members will be added to the list, and identified as “new”.
  • Updated personnel will be marked as “update
    • The update within the excel sheet should be bolded so we can easily identify the change.
  • Personnel with no changes from previous date will be marked as “same”.
  • Once a positive patient has been cleared by their regular provider or occupational medicine, the unit should “update” the tracker to show they have returned to duty and then remove them from the list the following day.
  • Those members who were on quarantine due to having close contact or out with COVID-like symptoms should be listed as “update” with return to work bolded, and be removed from the list the following day.
  • Reports are required when data changes but NLT 1600L daily. 
    • Send tracker logs via encrypted email (contains PII) ONLY to the following email addresses (Public Health Team). 
    • Do not send to leadership.
  • Please send the UCC tracker entries and updates to via Outlook (For Official Correspondence Only - No  public solicitation allowed)
  • For specific instructions on filing out the tracker, refer to ICD 128. Questions regarding these directions should be directed to the Public Health Flight leadership:

NOTE:  It is important for units to continue to provide updates, as necessary, to Public Health on their personnel.  Examples of updates would be test results come back, change in hospitalization and personnel now in a state of recovery.

NOTE:  Issues with SharePoint sometimes cause random error messages when accessing a link stating you do not have permissions to view the page.  If you receive that error, please go back and open the link again before requesting access.  All links point to locations that you SHOULD already have permissions to view.

G/UCCs continue to adhere to Operational Security (OPSEC) when reporting information.  G/UCCs also should remain vigilant due to the concern of possible cyber-attacks directed towards the installation and its members.