88 ABW - Space Available Travel

What is Space A? 

Space Available travel, also known as “Space A” is a program led by Air Mobility Command that allows members of the military (active duty, reserve, retired, and 100% disabled veteran) and their dependents to travel on military aircraft when there is unused seating capacity.

There is no guarantee you will be selected for a seat. Priority is given in to mission essential personnel.  Space A travelers must be prepared to cover commercial travel expenses if flight schedules are changed or become unavailable to allow Space A travel (Per DODI 4515.13, Section 4, Paragraph 4.1.a).

Wright-Patterson AFB Specific Space A Info:

The Wright Patterson Passenger Terminal is located at 5291 Skeel Ave, Dayton, OH 45433

WPAFB Passenger Terminal: 937-257-7741

Flight Recording: 937-257-6235


Office hours are Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The terminal is closed on weekends and holidays; only operating for inbound and outbound flights.

Flight Schedules: For specific travel information, such as flight times and check in times contact the WPAFB Terminal for the 72-hour flight schedule.

Checking In: Check in at the terminal counter to mark yourself present and review updated flight information. Ensure you do not exceed baggage weight limits.

  • Notes: Passengers are allowed 2 x Checked bags; 70 Lbs Per Bag and are not traveling with any prohibited items. Await your Space A call and follow instructions given by passenger service agents.

Document Check: Ensure you have the required travel documents, e.g., passport with visas. Customs and Immigration requirements may change. Contact your departure passenger terminal for current documentation requirements or travel restrictions. More information on travel documents can be found on the U.S. Department of State International Travel website.

Space A Sign-Up Options & Required Information:

  • Automated Sign-Up Form: Submit a  Space A Travel Registration Form automated sign-up form to your nearest AMC Passenger Terminal.

    • Notes: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our automated confirmation emails. Before clicking the "SUBMIT" button, we recommend printing your completed form as proof of your Date and Time of sign up. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Manual Sign-Up Form: Fill and submit AMC Form 140, Space Available Travel Request, to your desired AMC Passenger Terminal.

  • Email Sign-Up: Submit required personal information to the WPAFB_SPACEA@US.AF.MIL email.

  • Required Sign-Up Information: Include First, Middle, Last Names / DODID number / Email Address / Rank / Grade / Service Branch / Military Status / Names of Dependent Travelers / Total Seats required / Travel Eligibility Status / Leave Dates / Overseas Travel-Ready Status (Required Documents in-hand) / Destination(s) (Can Sign up for five destinations)

    • Note: Please Do Not Provide Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as Social Security numbers.


  •  Space A eligible travelers may not use their privilege for gain or in connection with business enterprises or employment.

  •  Space A travel may not be used to establish a home or when international or theater restrictions prohibit such travel.

  • Please verify the Space A seating capacity for your available flight by checking with the WPAFB Terminal. Seat availability can be identified anywhere from 3-4 hours to as close as 1 hour before departure.

For more information on Space A Travel visit Air Mobility Command FAQ.

Travel Eligibility: To review travel eligibility, click the link here.

Or read below categories 1-6 to determine your Space A travel category.

  • Category I – Emergency Leave Unfunded Travel

Transportation by the most expeditious routing only for bona fide immediate family emergencies, as determined by DoDI 1327.06 and military service regulations. This travel privilege will not be used in lieu of funded travel entitlements.

Emergency travel in connection with serious illness, death, or impending death of a member of the immediate family of the following:

United States citizen, DoD civilian employees stationed overseas.

Full-time, paid personnel of the American Red Cross serving with United States military services overseas.

Uniformed service family members whose sponsors are stationed within the CONUS and the emergency exists overseas.

Family members of United States citizen civilian employees of the DoD when both sponsor and dependents are stationed overseas at the same location.

  • Category II – Accompanied Emergency Medical Leave

Sponsors on environmental and morale leave and accompanied family members. DoD Dependent School teachers and their accompanied family members in EML status during school year holiday or vacation periods.

  • Category III – Ordinary Leave, Relatives, House Hunting Permissive TDY, Medal of Honer Holders & Foreign Military / All Active-Duty Leave

Members of the uniformed services in an ordinary or re-enlistment leave status.

Military personnel traveling on permissive temporary duty (TDY) orders for house hunting.

If the permissive TDY is for the purpose of permanent change of station house hunting, the member travels in Category III and can be accompanied by one family member.

Dependents of military members deployed for more than 365 consecutive days.

Legal family members (up to age 23 with a valid identification card) of a service member of the uniformed services when accompanied by their sponsor who is in an ordinary leave status within overseas areas between overseas stations and air terminals in the CONUS.

This privilege does not apply to travel of dependents to or from a sponsor's restricted or unaccompanied tour location or to travel in a leave status to or from TDY locations. It applies only to round-trip travel to an overseas area or the CONUS with the sponsor. DODI 4515.13 restricts use of these privileges to establish a home for family members in an overseas area or the CONUS.

Foreign exchange service members on permanent duty with the DoD, when in a leave status.

  • Category IV – Unaccompanied Emergency Medical Leave

Dependents of military members deployed for more than 30 consecutive days.

Unaccompanied family members (18 years or older) traveling on EML orders. Family members under 18 must be accompanied by an adult family member who is traveling EML.

Department of Defense Dependents School teachers or family members (accompanied or unaccompanied) in an EML status during summer break.

  • Category V – Permissive TDY (Non-House Hunting), Students, Dependents, Post Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence & Others

Unaccompanied Command-sponsored dependents.

Students whose sponsor is stationed in Alaska or Hawaii.

Students enrolled in a trade school in the CONUS when the sponsor is stationed overseas.

Military personnel traveling on permissive TDY orders for other than house hunting.

  • Category VI – Retired, Dependents, Reserve, ROTC, NUPOC, CEC, Veterans with a Permanent Service-Connected Disability Rated as Total, and Surviving Spouses of Service Members who died in active duty, Inactive Duty Training, or annual Training Status.

National Guard/Reserve components/members of the Ready Reserve and members of the Standby Reserve who are on the Active Status List.

Retired military members who are issued DD Form 2 and eligible to receive retired or retainer pay.

Family members (with a valid identification card) of retired members when accompanied by a sponsor.

Surviving Spouses (i.e. Widow/Widowers) of Service members who died while on active duty, inactive duty training, or annual training status as well as retired military members, and their accompanying dependents, must have a DoD USID and privilege card. Dependents who are under the age of 14 must possess a Federal-, State-, local-, or tribal government-issued identification.

Authorized veterans with a permanent service-connected disability rated as total or VA-100% Disabled Veteran.

Last updated: July 2024