Chief Master Sergeant Jennifer L. Nalls serves as Chief Enlisted Manager, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. In this position, she also serves as the AFIMSC Detachment 6 senior enlisted leader. Chief Nalls leads over 700 military and civilian contracting professionals responsible for an acquisition portfolio of more than $55 billion. She is the principle advisor to the AFICC commander on all enlisted personnel matters. The chief develops, reviews and implements policy, guidance and procedures concerning operational planning, doctrine, employment, deployment and configuration of contracting assets affecting assigned personnel across eight major commands and their 77 units.
She also ensures the readiness of military contracting personnel for deployment in support of global contingency and humanitarian operations. Chief Nalls also provides input to the chief, Enlisted Policy, Under Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Air Staff senior contracting leadership on issues impacting the Air Force contracting workforce.
The chief has held various positions at the squadron, wing, directorate MAJCOM and joint-levels in the services, protocol and contracting disciplines. She has also deployed to various locations throughout Southwest Asia area of operations in support of operations Northern Watch, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Horn of Africa and Joint Task Force-Israel. Before assuming her current position, Chief Nalls served as the AFICC Operating Location Air Force Special Operations Command chief enlisted manager and functional area manager, Hurlburt Field, Florida.
2001 Airman Leadership School, Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas
2003 Associate’s of Applied Science in Fitness, Recreation and Services Management, Community College of the Air Force
2003 Associates in Science Management, Park University, Parkville, Mo.
2004 Associate’s of Applied Science in Contracts Management, Community College of the Air Force
2005 Bachelor of Science Management/Finance, Cum Laude, Park University, Parkville, Mo.
2008 Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.
2011 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course, Joint Forces Staff College
2011 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Course, Correspondence, Air University
2013 Professional Manager Certification, Community College of the Air Force
2014 Certified Professional Contract Manager, National Contract Management Association
2017 Master of Arts Christian Ministry, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va.
2020 Master of Religious Education, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va.
2021 Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course, Maxwell Air Force Base – Gunter Annex, Ala.
1. November 1997 - January 1998, Trainee, Basic Military Training, Lackland AFB, Texas
2. January - March 1998, Student, Services Specialist Course, Lackland AFB, Texas
3. April 1998 - March 1999, Lodging Desk Clerk, 47th Services Division, Laughlin AFB, Texas
4. March 1999 - July 2001, Fitness Specialist, 47th Services Division, Laughlin AFB, Texas (November – December 2000, TCN Escort, 39th Expeditionary Civil Engineering Squadron, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey)
5. July 2001 - November 2002, Contracting Specialist, 47th Contracting Squadron, Laughlin AFB, Texas
6. November 2002 - May 2003, Protocol Assistant, 47th Flying Training Wing, Laughlin AFB, Texas
7. May 2003 - July 2003, Contracting Specialist, 47th Contracting Squadron, Laughlin AFB, Texas
8. July 2003 - February 2006, Contracting Officer, 47th Contracting Squadron, Laughlin AFB, Texas (September 2004 - January 2005, Contingency Contracting Officer, 506th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq)
9. February - May 2006, SABER Contracting Officer, 47th Contracting Squadron, Laughlin AFB, Texas
10. May 2006 - October 2009, Contract Specialist, 88th Contracting Squadron, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (February - June 2007, Contingency Contracting Officer, 379th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar and November 2008 - June 2009, NCO in charge/Construction Flight Chief/Contingency Contracting Officer, 376th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, Manas Air Base, Kyrgyz Republic)
11. October 2009 - June 2010, NCO in charge, Base Support Flight, 88th Contracting Squadron, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (May - December 2010, NCO in charge, Construction Branch/Contingency Contracting Officer, Kabul Regional Contracting Center, Camp Eggers, Kabul, Afghanistan)
12. December 2010 - January 2011, NCO in charge, Base Support Branch, Operational Contracting Division, Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
13. January 2011 – January 2012, Superintendent, Contracting Directorate, Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
14. January 2012 – January 2014, Manager, Command Contracting Inspections, Office of Inspector General, Headquarters Air Force Material Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
15. January 2014 – May 2017, Superintendent, 92nd Contracting Squadron, Fairchild AFB, Wash.
16. May 2017 – August 2019, Contingency Operations Manager/Contracting MAJCOM Functional Area Manager, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Operating Location Europe, Ramstein Air Base, Germany (March 2018, J4 SEL and Lead OCS Planner, Joint Task Force-Israel)
17. August 2019 – November 2021, Contracting Chief Enlisted Manager, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Operating Location Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
18. November 2021 – Present, Chief Enlisted Manager, Headquarters Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
Air Force Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Meritorious Unit Award with four oak leaf clusters
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with five oak leaf clusters
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal
NATO Medal
1998 Distinguished Graduate, Services Specialist Technical Training Course
1999 47th Flying Training Wing Senior Airman Below the Zone
2004 Pitsenbarger Award Recipient
2005 Selected for Air Education and Training Command Torch Bearer Course
2007 88th Contracting Squadron Noncommissioned Officer of the Year
2007 Aeronautical Systems Center Outstanding Contingency Contracting Enlisted Member of the Year
2008 Distinguished Graduate, Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy
2015 U.S. Air Force Small Contracting Squadron of the Year, 92nd Contracting Squadron
2016 92nd Mission Support Group Lance P. Sijan Nominee
Chief Master Sergeant July 2019
(Current as of December 2021)