Chapel Community - Creating a compassionate, connected community

The Wright-Patterson AFB Chaplain Corps provides spiritual care and ensures all Airman, and their families have opportunities to exercise their Constitutional right to the free exercise of religion.

The Chapel Staff at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, welcomes you! If you would like to speak to Chapel Staff, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist.


To strengthen Team Wright-Patterson through spiritual readiness & resilience.


Creating a Compassionate, Connected Community


  • Catholic Services

    Daily Mass (Mon-Fri)
    Wednesday, Friday: 1100 @ Hospital Chapel​
    Tuesday Thursday: 1130 @ AFIT Chapel​

    Saturday Mass: 1700 @ Prairies Chapel​

    Sunday Mass: 0900 @ Prairies Chapel

    Please contact Catholic Parish Coordinator (937-656-8245) for further information.

  • Protestant Services

    Sunday Service: 1100 @ Prairies Chapel

    Please contact Protestant Parish Coordinator (937-713-3006) for further information.

  • Additional faith group information

    For additional faith group information, please contact the Chapel Staff at 937-257-7427.


Area A Locations

Area A Office (temporary) 
5030 Pearson Road, Bldg. 219 
WPAFB, OH 45433
Kittyhawk Chapel
Bldg. 1220
2267 Birch Street
WPAFB, OH 45433
(Near the Bowling Alley & Commissary)
*Closing to the public after Oct. 8, 2023 
Medical Center Chapel
Bldg. 830
4881 Sugar Maple Drive
WPAFB, OH 45433 

Area B Locations

Area B Office 
Bldg. 50 
2130 5th Street, WPAFB, OH 45433 
Room 014 Lower Level 
*Co-located with Education Bldg. 50* 
AFIT Chapel
Bldg. 640, Rm. 201
2950 Hobson Way
WPAFB, OH 45433 

Off-base Locations

Prairies Chapel 
Bldg. 682
6568 Chapel Lane 
WPAFB, OH 45433 
(The Prairies at Wright Field housing area)   
Chapel Community Center (CCC) 
648 Chapel Lane Dayton, OH 45431* 
*Directly behind the Prairies Chapel; shared parking lot 

Core Capabilities

• Religious Accommodation

• Spiritual Fitness

• Leadership Advisement

Counseling with a Chaplain or a Religious Affairs Airman

Our Chapel Team is available to provide couple and individual counseling. Whether it be work-related, relationship, personal, or spiritual counseling, we are here to help. Counseling with a Chaplain or a Religious Affairs Airman is privileged communication.

Privileged communication is protected communication IAW Military Rule of Evidence 503. Under this rule: “a person has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing a confidential communication by the person to a clergyman or to a clergyman’s assistant, if such communication is made either as a formal act of religion of as a matter of conscience."

Individual must provide chapel representative informed, written consent to disclose privileged communication. Otherwise, under no circumstances may information be revealed to any source (AFI 52-101).

Submit a Request


Duty Hours: 937-257-7427
After Hours: 937-257-6314 *Reach on-call Chaplain via the Command Post
Area A Office (temporary)
5030 Pearson Road, Bldg. 219
WPAFB, OH 45433
Area B Office
Bldg. 50
2130 5th Street, WPAFB, OH 45433
Room 014 Lower Level
*Co-located with Education Bldg. 50*

Kittyhawk Chapel
Bldg. 1220
2267 Birch Street
WPAFB, OH 45433
(Near the Bowling Alley & Commissary)
*Closing to the public after Oct. 8, 2023

Medical Center Chapel

Medical Center Chapel
Bldg. 830
4881 Sugar Maple Drive
WPAFB, OH 45433

Prairies Chapel

Prairies Chapel
Bldg. 6568
682 Chapel Lane
WPAFB, OH 45433
(The Prairies at Wright Field housing area)

AFIT Chapel
Bldg. 640, Rm. 201
2950 Hobson Way
WPAFB, OH 45433