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  • Take time to learn emergency exit routes at work

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OH -- With buildings being repurposed and workspace at a premium, it’s common for emergency exit routes to be overlooked or forgotten.The unfortunate reality is that waiting until a real-world scenario to assess and test your facility’s emergency exit routes could be

  • Lifelike scenario puts first responders to the test

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio—Airmen across the installation stepped away from their everyday duties Feb. 23 to rehearse response against internal threats during the year’s first base-wide active-shooter exercise.“Overall, I feel the exercise did what exercises are intended to do, allowing

  • Stay aware during emergencies

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - When an emergency situation occurs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the Installation Command Center notifies the base community using two methods – the “Giant Voice” and AtHoc notification system.The “Giant Voice” activates emergency-notification signals in