Wright-Patterson Club offers new initiatives in membership for fine-dining and entertainment for military, civilian and contractors

  • Published
  • By Sandy Simison
  • 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Starting Oct. 1, the Wright-Patterson Club will offer new membership initiatives.

These initiatives include additional discounts and benefits at the club and partnership benefits at the golf courses, Consolidated Hobby Complex, Outdoor Recreation and Kittyhawk Lanes Bowling Center.

New or transferred members of the club will receive $50 in Club Bucks.  Additionally, a $25 Force Support Squadron gift card will be issued for every new member recruited with no limit.

Benefits of club membership also include discounts on catering and prorated events, as well as participation in the lunch bunch card program--purchase five meals at Wings Grille and get one free. Every Friday during the social hour, there is food available to members and every first Friday the club will have a $100 Force Support Squadron gift card drawing for present members. Additional benefits offered are one free bucket of range balls every Monday at Twin Base Golf course, discounts on the rental of bouncy houses, carnival games, tables and chairs at Outdoor Recreation, free shoe rental at Kittyhawk Lanes and more. Information and a complete list of benefits are available at the club front desk.

Membership is not limited to military members anymore. Civilians, military spouses, contractors and retirees can belong to the club. Members and their families can take advantage of family-centered activities. There is an Easter Sunday brunch and also monthly Sunday brunches that all the kids can come out to. Additionally, members and their families are eligible for the annual Air Force Club Scholarship Program to win money toward college. 

 “The club continues to be the hub of today’s social environment and much of the esprit de corps between our members past and present is welded together inside the walls of the club,” said Mark Robbins, Deputy Director, 88th Force Support Squadron.

The club, one of the largest and finest in the Air Force, sponsors weddings, promotion ceremonies, retirements, dinner theaters, and other special events, added Robbins.

New to the club is Executive Chef Patrick Pingault, born and raised in Dijon, France. Pingault is a French-trained chef who prepares traditional fare or can even develop specific menus for special occasions.

“Dijon is in the Burgundy region and is about the size of Dayton. My parent’s house is older than this country,” said Pingault. “I went to culinary school in France then went to the French Army and was stationed in Germany. I always wanted to come to America and found a job in a French restaurant in New York and then met a girl and moved here.”

Activities for the club can be found on a monthly online calendar. For more information about the Wright-Patterson club and services, visit  http://www.88thfss.com/wrightpattclub.htm or call 937-257-9762 or 936-522-2160.