Energy Action Month fuels base’s drive to conserve

  • Published
  • By Wright-Patterson AFB Energy Management Office
Team Wright-Patt showed tremendous initiative during October, the national Energy Action Month, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Energy Action Month campaign promoted energy and water conservation throughout the federal government, and the base populace at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base responded to the challenge with outstanding participation and raised many thoughtful conservation questions for the energy management team to consider as it works to reduce power   and water consumption across the installation.

Energy Action Month evolved from previous Energy Awareness Month campaigns, stressing the importance of each Airman to make a difference by reducing his or her energy footprint. The Energy Management Team conducted an informal survey during the last week of the campaign, and found that 187 out of 226 personnel surveyed knew October was Energy Action Month -- an incredible 83 percent.

Additionally, 140 out of 226 personnel surveyed reported personally reducing energy or water   consumption as a direct result of Energy Action Month. Our challenge, as Air Force leaders, is to continually seek opportunities to drive similar culture change throughout work centers across mission sets.

Since the Wright-Patterson AFB community ranks among the top five Air Force installations for gross amounts of energy used each year, the base Energy Office challenges everyone to continue the Energy Action Month theme, "I am Air Force Energy," and work to make energy consideration a part of everything you do throughout the year. Take charge and   help lead this effort by doing all the little things that add up over time to save a lot of energy: turn off lights, turn off or unplug computer monitors daily, re-start PCs and laptops at end of duty day instead of simply pulling your common access card and leaving energy-consuming processes running in the background, and report water leaks as soon as you notice them.

Continue to suggest energy savings opportunities, either directly to the base energy office at 257-3590, or through your facility building manager if the work requires a Civil Engineer work request (AF Form 332).