Protecting Ourselves and our Families

  • Published
  • By 88th ABW Public Affairs
With the recent increase in Force Protection Levels, now is a good time to check our protection of our home and family. it is critical that we understand and consider various measures we can take to ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones. This should be an on-going process not only now, but in the future as well. Some personal protective measures to consider include:

-  Review the privacy settings for yourselves and family members on social media pages.  For some tips on how to secure your social media accounts and other things to be aware of when using social media, visit our social media resources page.

-  Limit any reference, current or former, to military, government or law enforcement employment on social media.

-  Take off license plate holders, stickers, and other visual items on your vehicle that may affiliate you or family members to the military, government or law enforcement.

-  Consider your manner of dress when out in public, to include shirts, hats, jackets, etc. that reference military, government or law enforcement affiliation.

-  Educate family members on basic personal security measures (this information can be found within the annual Force Protection Level I Training in ADLS).

-  Stay aware of your surroundings at all times, and be conscious of what you are talking about in public and who may be listening.

-  Consistently vary your routes of travel to and from work, school, etc.

-  Know who your unit Antiterrorism Representative and security personnel are.

-  Know the emergency numbers for your local police and for WPAFB.

-  Create a contact shortcut in your phone for emergency numbers and Eagle Eyes.

Always remember that your situational awareness is a critical asset in protecting WPAFB and the Homeland.  Stay vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity 24 hours a day to Eagle Eyes at 937-257-EYES (3937) or