Level Up Week returns Feb. 6-10

  • Published
  • 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Registration continues for the 88th Air Base Wing’s Level Up Week, which takes place Feb. 6-10.

Administrators are set to launch a week of development and training opportunities for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base military and civilian personnel to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Virtual and in-person classes are available. Registration remains open until three business days prior to each course’s start date and time.

Level Up Week spotlights Airmen needs. Its goal is to enhance mission viability and improve quality of life while implementing collaborative projects that provide mutual value to the federal government. 

Several unique courses were specifically created based on results of recent base-wide assessments in personnel development and training.

A wide variety of subjects will be offered throughout the week. Here’s a look at each course:

Monday, Feb. 6

Creativity to Inspire Innovation (9 a.m. to noon, virtual): The National Defense Strategy calls for building a “more lethal, resilient and rapidly innovating joint force.” The Air Force Science and Technology Strategy aligns with this call, but it also requires transformational strategic capabilities that must be driven by scientific and technological advances. The question is, “How can we develop a community of uninhibited, creative thinkers that lead us to significant innovations?” This instructor-led course challenges that question by discussing cognitive capital, neuroplasticity and a variety of ways for people to explore their creativity and enable innovation.

Difficult Conversations (9 a.m. to noon, in person): Participants will discuss the different types of difficult conversations that arise on the job. The class will review scenarios involving these hard conversations. Avoiding common roadblocks, understanding the types of conversations that occur on the job and creating a plan to conduct a difficult exchange will aid the learner in accomplishing the following objectives: 1) Understand the types of difficult conversations you will have with your direct supervisor, peers, employees, partners and stakeholders. 2) Identify the types of conversation barriers or roadblocks. 3) Apply strategies toward preparing for and conducting a difficult conversation.

A Good Night’s Sleep (10-11 a.m., virtual): When we think about our health, we often consider nutrition and exercise, but sleep is just as important. Insufficient sleep is associated with many chronic health conditions and accidents. Come learn about sleep benefits, tips for getting enough and when to see a doctor about your sleep concerns.

Contracting Fundamentals (1-2 p.m., virtual): An overview of government-contracting fundamentals that all acquisition professionals should know. Topics include a review of the contracting life cycle, from planning, solicitation and pre-award to contract award, administration and closeout. Discussions will also cover how to read and modify a contract.

Tuesday, Feb. 7

Psychological Safety (9-10 a.m., virtual). This course will also be offered at the same start time Feb. 9: Psychological safety is the belief you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. We all play a vital role in creating a psychologically safe workplace where everyone can contribute, regardless of position or rank.

Active Listening (9-11 a.m., virtual): You’ll recognize listening and the importance of giving full attention to a speaker, describing his or her message and point of view, seeking clarification so you’re able to repeat it to the sender, and interpreting and synthesizing the message from others and responding appropriately.

Intro to Critical Thinking (9 a.m. to noon, in person): The human mind is built to think. Some of us do it better than others. Every one of us can learn how to think better – with depth, clarity, logic and precision. Critical thinking attempts to connect patterns of information into patterns of thought, either to solve a problem, generate ideas or come up with creative concepts. When thinking critically, viewpoints are examined, as well as the biases, data and concepts driving thems. This instructor-led course introduces critical-thinking concepts and skills on which participants can build better thinking.

Women in the Air Force: From Yesterday into Tomorrow (9:30-10:30 a.m., in person): With a guide, the tour covers historical issues, changes in laws and attitudes, and women’s contributions. It starts with early female aviators and grows through the last seven decades as pioneers overcame barriers to become effective leaders in all Air Force fields and disciplines.

Colors Personality (10 a.m. to noon, virtual): Participants will complete a personality assessment. Learn how to communicate and work with different personalities and see individuals with new lenses. This training will help you strengthen and motivate people and build working relationships.

Building a Culture of Trust (1-3 p.m., virtual): You will learn to improve communication and productivity by increasing your ability to develop, restore and extend trust in key relationships.

Business Etiquette and Professionalism (1-2 p.m., virtual): An engaging overview of business etiquette and professional behavior in the workplace. Discussions will cover basic soft skills, dos and don’ts for meetings and email, and other ideas on how to be a great employee and build positive relationships with co-workers.

Influential Leadership (1-3:30 p.m., in person): This course guides participants through an in-person lecture, discussion and activity-based class. The class will guide Department of Defense and Air Force leaders through discussions based on their contributions, attitudes, point of control, range of influence, values and behaviors, which inspire others at WPAFB. Students will accomplish the following objectives: 1) Understand the importance of setting examples and character-building. 2) Analyze how to invest in your influence range. 3) Analyze and apply seven behaviors for influencing others.

Wednesday, Feb. 8

Power Behind the Force: The History and Evolution of the Jet Engine (9:30-11:30 a.m., in person): With a guide, trace the jet engine’s evolution from the experimental days of World War II through the conquering of the sound barrier, past Mach 3 and into the future. In a walking tour, see and hear what drove the selection of propulsion for such aircraft as the F-22, C-5, SR-71 and C-130.

Study and Test-Taking Skills (10 a.m. to noon, virtual): This course focuses on easily applied techniques to increase personal abilities to test well. Attendees will learn to eliminate nervousness and incorporate methods that will improve test scores.

Ethical Leadership (1-3 p.m., virtual): Learn more about a form of leadership in which individuals demonstrate conduct for the common good that is acceptable and appropriate in every area of their lives, respecting ethical beliefs and values and being motivated by the dignity and rights of others.

Creating Engagement and Building Trust (1-3:30 p.m., virtual): Learn how to understand engagement levels and build trust in a team of individuals. Engagement will be discussed from an industry standpoint, personal perspectives and team cohesion.

Thursday, Feb. 9

Emotional Intelligence (8 a.m. to noon, virtual): Is IQ really a good predictor for success? How can “average” people outperform the brilliant individuals in our organizations? High performers are usually found to have a high level of “emotional intelligence” in their everyday interactions. In this class, you’ll learn how the factors of awareness, empathy, managing emotion, motivation and relationships can give you the edge to achieve your full potential.

A Day in the Life of 365 (9-11 a.m., in person): This class is an introduction to Microsoft Office 365 and welcomes users of all skill levels. We explore accessing 365 productivity apps online, help users obtain a basic understanding of web/cloud-based Office 365 products, and offer tools to make your daily routine much more productive and effective.

The History and Evolution of Rocketry: Basics, Ballistics and Space (9:30-11:30 a.m., in person): A tour guide will explain rocketry’s evolution, as well as the motors and vehicles they power, from the work of Robert Goddard to modern-age achievements. National Museum of the U.S. Air Force exhibits will illustrate rockets used on both ballistic and space missions, explaining how they differ and drove rocket design. Attendees will gain a clearer understanding of ballistic and space mission complexities and how rocket design has evolved to satisfy the requirements.

Meal Planning Made Easy (11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., virtual): The kids have soccer and dance practice, you just got home from a long day at work and now you need to make a healthy meal for your family. Or perhaps you’re single and sick of microwave meals. Whatever the circumstance, meal planning is necessary to help us make healthier choices, save time and money, and eliminate extra stress. Join Civilian Health Promotion Services to learn more about how to prepare easy and healthy meals for you and your family.

Friday, Feb. 10

Excel: Tips and Tricks (9-11 a.m., virtual): Given demonstrations and hands-on activities, participants will gain a stronger understanding of functions and formulas. They will create simple spreadsheets using VLOOKUPs and HLOOKUPs.

Leadership with Maxwell (9-11 a.m., virtual): Author, speaker and pastor John C. Maxwell combines insights learned from more than 40 years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports and the military.

Supermarket Savvy (10-11 a.m., virtual): Grocery shopping can be one of our most hated chores, or an enjoyable experience. When we know what steps to take, we can change our perspective and eating habits. Whether learning to plan ahead, make a shopping list or what labels to look at, staying on budget and getting the best-quality food for the least amount of money is in our reach.

Air Force Foundational Competencies (1-2:30 p.m., virtual): The Air Force is evolving how it develops the workforce. It’s changing from task-based assessments to demonstrated behaviors for successful progression, both personally and professionally. In this session, you’ll learn about Air Force competencies programs and how to use them to evolve performance.

How to sign up

Registration is open to all WPAFB military and civilian personnel. Register via MyETMS at https://myetms.wpafb.af.mil. Click on the “Self-Registration” tab, search for “88 ABW” and hit “Go.” A tutorial is provided on the MyETMS homepage for first-time users.

Continuous learning points can be earned for Level Up Week courses. After attending a class, participants may request CLPs from their direct supervisor using the appropriate government system. It’s recommended they request CLPs based on the number of course hours (e.g., a two-hour course would result in two CLPs). Contact your training manager for details.

For more information, contact Shawn Meyers (shawn.meyers@us.af.mil), Mike Brame (michael.brame@us.af.mil) or the 88th Force Support Squadron’s Workforce Development Section at 88FSS.FSDED.Hrworkflow@us.af.mil.