Base-employee labor relations

  • Published
  • 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Base employees who want to initiate authorization for union-dues withholding may obtain an SF 1187 from any American Federation of Government Employees steward or official.

The effective date will be the first full pay period after SF 1187 receipt by a customer service representative.

Personnel who would like to discontinue their dues withholding may obtain an SF 1188 from their CSR or the Labor Relations Office. Discontinuation of dues withholding will be effective as follows:

(1) For an employee who began dues-withholding allotments before Jan. 11, 1979: Beginning the first full pay period following Sept. 1, provided the SF 1188 is received by the Civilian Pay Section prior to that date.

(2) For an employee who started dues withholding on or after Jan. 11, 1979, but before Aug. 10, 2020: Beginning the first full pay period following the anniversary date, which is the starting date of the first pay period for which dues were deducted from the employee's pay.

(3) For an employee who started dues withholding on or after Aug. 10, 2020, the agency should process the request as soon as administratively feasible, if at least one year has passed since the employee initially authorized union-dues assignment from his or her pay.

Questions about union dues may be referred to the 88th Force Support Squadron’s Civilian Personnel Flight, Labor and Employee Management Relations Branch, at 937-904-3326.

Weingarten Rights

This notice is mandated by labor-management agreements between the 88th Air Base Wing and personnel represented by AFGE Local 1138, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 225, and International Association of Fire Fighters Local F-88.

Publication of this Weingarten Rights notice is required by 5 USC 7114(a)(3).

A labor union representative shall be given the opportunity to attend any examination of a bargaining-unit employee conducted by a management official in connection with an investigation, if the employee: (1) reasonably believes the examination may result in disciplinary action against him or her; (2) requests representation.

Refer Weingarten Rights or bargaining-unit status questions to the 88 FSS Civilian Personnel Flight, Labor and Employee Management Relations Branch, at 937-904-3326.