Spotlight: Matt Stinson

  • Published
  • 88th Air Force Base Public Affairs


Name and rank: Matt Stinson, GS-12

Duty title: Resource adviser

Unit of assignment: 88th Mission Support Group

What do you do at Wright-Patt?

I provide financial support to 88 MSG leadership and three subordinate squadrons consisting of over 1,400 civilians, military members, non-appropriated fund employees and contractors. I evaluate program funding and execution, while also identifying actual or potential financial issues for the MSG front office group, Force Support Squadron, Logistics Readiness Squadron, Security Forces Squadron and the Air Force Marathon Office.

Why are you and your job important to the Air Force and WPAFB?

My job is important to ensure enduring support of the Air Force and Wright-Patt missions. With the tight fiscal constraints that we continue to operate in, it is important to ensure funding is being executed responsibly and effectively, while thinking outside of the box to leverage our abilities and resources to complete the mission.