Spotlight: Master Sgt. Jason Vavro

  • Published
  • 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs


Name and rank: Master Sgt. Jason Vavro

Units of assignment: 88th Medical Support Squadron

What’s your job like every day? My day-to-day operations involve advising not only my commander, but my chief, squadron (senior) NCOs and supervisors. In my experience, most people take comfort receiving information from the first sergeant, mainly because most people think we know everything, but I can assure you that I do not. I spend most of my time researching and answering questions, which mostly are out of the realm of most (Air Force specialty codes).

As a first sergeant, I think it is critical to know where to go for information and how to conduct the research to provide my Airmen with the correct answers. One may think this is not difficult nor is it stressful, but I must be 100% sure because — as most of us know — with one wrong answer, you can lose trust. And without trust, I cannot effectively do my job.

Do you have a mentoring or career tip for Airmen, including those who’d like to be a “first shirt” someday?

I have been in the Air Force for over 20 years and it never stops. Continue to improve every day. Once you reach a goal, take time to celebrate, then move on to the next.

I do not care what you improve on, but learn something; better yourself. If you are comfortable, then you are not doing it right. The totality of your life experiences will prepare you for the job.

What’s your favorite part of being a first sergeant and why?

The best thing about first sergeants is that our diamond allows us to be intrusive, and not in a malicious way, but in a “care for people” type of way. Additionally, I love that after many, many weeks and perhaps months of helping someone that all of my work trying to lead them out of the darkest time in their life was beneficial.

Finally, I was involved with Security Forces operations for 18 years and it seemed I was always the one explaining and teaching, so it is nice to walk around and learn about what my Airmen do.