Spotlight: LeeGurtha Lucas Published Dec. 3, 2021 By 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Name and rank: LeeGurtha Lucas, NH-3 Duty title: Security specialist Unit of assignment: Information Protection Directorate, 88th Air Base Wing What do you do at Wright-Patt? I am a personnel security specialist with the 88 ABW/Information Protection Directorate’s Personnel Security Division. I provide Personnel Security Program oversight, training, instruction and guidance to over 100 WPAFB and tenant units. This includes processing security clearance investigation requests, reviewing security questionnaires, submitting investigation requests to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, and tracking the personnel security investigation process from “cradle to grave.” I also serve as liaison between the Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility and 88 ABW mission partners in resolving security clearance issues. As the 88 ABW insider threat point of contact, I provide guidance and assistance to unit commanders to assure insider threats are reported. Why are you and your job important to the Air Force and WPAFB? Within the four security specialist disciplines, I feel that personnel security is the first line of defense to national security. (Information Protection-Personnel) successfully maintained continuity of ops during COVID-19 operations, with minimal disruption to customer service, and processed over 860 (personnel security investigations). IPP processed over 360 deferred investigations toward meeting the Department of the Air Force’s Total Workforce 2.0 requirement. We also processed more than 315 fingerprint requests for active duty, federal civilians, contractors and volunteers using the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission system. I feel that all of these efforts are in place to help ensure that we have a trustworthy workforce at Wright-Patterson AFB.