Focus Week to emphasize Airmen needs Published Nov. 5, 2021 88th Force Support Squadron WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Registration has begun for the 88th Air Base Wing’s fourth-quarter Focus Week. The next session is scheduled for Nov. 15-19 and open to all Wright-Patterson Air Force Base military members and civilians. Enrollment continues until three business days prior to each course. This quarter’s spotlight is on meeting Airmen needs. Focus Week administrators from the 88th Force Support Squadron said the class schedule was deliberately planned and based upon results of a WPAFB-wide personnel-development assessment. Focus Week’s goal is to enhance mission viability and improve quality of life for Airmen and civilians, while implementing collaborative projects that provide mutual value to the government. A wide variety of subjects will be offered throughout the week. A look at each course: “So, You Want to Get Promoted?” (Nov. 15, 9-11 a.m.): Learning your promotion potential. “Civilian Workforce Development Opportunities” (Nov. 15, 1-2:30 p.m.): Understanding the different opportunities available for Air Force and WPAFB employees. In addition, learn how to use the tools that support your career growth. “Navigating Change in the Workplace” (Nov. 16, 9-10 a.m.): Understanding both the individual and organizational impacts of change is essential to building an internal culture that either resists or embraces and sustains it. “The Art of Mindfulness” (Nov. 17, 9-10 a.m.): You will learn the difference between mindlessness and mindfulness. The training also highlights the importance and benefits of being mindful. “Leadership Ethics” (Nov. 17, 9-11 a.m.): Participants will understand an ethical decision-making model and apply it to real-life scenarios. Students will complete an Ethical Leadership Styles Questionnaire prior to attending the class. “Excel Level 1” (Nov. 17, 9 a.m. to noon): Learn the basic formatting and foundational skills of working in Excel. “Excel Level 2” (Nov. 17, 1-4 p.m.): Learning the next level of working within Excel. “Conflict Management” (Nov. 18, 9-11 a.m.): Understand how to work through conflict in the office setting. “Difficult Conversations” (Nov. 18, noon to 3 p.m.): Participants will discuss the different types of difficult conversations that arise on the job and at home. Focusing more on work conversations, the class will explore and review scenarios. “PowerPoint” (Nov. 19, 1-4 p.m.): Learn the basic foundational skills for working within PowerPoint. WPAFB military and civilian personnel can register via MyETMS (Education and Training Management System) at Click on the “Self-Registration” tab, search for “88 ABW” and hit “Go.” A tutorial is provided on the MyETMS homepage for first-time users. For more information, contact Jessica Falcon, Shawn Meyers or the 88 FSS Workforce Development Section at