New scheduling tool available for COVID-19 vaccine Published April 9, 2021 By Kristen Van Wert 88th Air Base Wing Medical Group WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Beginning April 9, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base personnel and beneficiaries will be able to schedule their own COVID-19 vaccine appointments. In coordination with the Defense Health Agency, the 88th Medical Group will pilot the DHA Appointing Portal, which allows patients to schedule appointments through a web-based tool. The scheduling site can be found at To schedule and confirm appointments, users will need to choose the dose needed, complete required information on the web form, and select from available dates and times. COVID-19 vaccinations are administered in the Wright-Patterson Club at 4771 Lahm Circle on Area A. In addition to the DAP tool, beneficiaries can call a dedicated COVID-19 phone line at 937-257-SHOT (7468) to schedule vaccine appointments, COVID-19 tests, or speak to a health care professional regarding concerns and questions. Through the Wright-Patterson Medical Center call center and unit points of contact across the base, 88 MDG has already administered over 18,500 doses to individuals, including health care workers, first responders, mission-critical employees, older beneficiaries and those with high-risk medical conditions. “We have been fortunate to work with leaders and units across the entire base, and that has been a large part of our success,” said Maj. John Thompson, 88 MDG registered nurse and a vaccine point-of-dispensing leader. “Our combined efforts each week have helped us lead the Air Force in vaccine administration.” WPAFB leaders said the Medical Group is ready to move to Tier 2, as prioritized by the Department of Defense, which has spread its allotment of various emergency-use authorized vaccine types across the military. At Wright-Patterson AFB, medical providers will continue to administer the Pfizer vaccine, a two-shot series with 21 days between doses. “We are excited to expand vaccine eligibility to our Team Wright-Patt community,” Thompson said. “After three months of top-notch performance from our vaccine team and serving those most at risk for the COVID-19 virus, we look forward to providing a vaccine to every employee and beneficiary who wants one.” Tier 2 includes all Wright-Patterson active-duty members, DOD civilians and contractors, and TRICARE beneficiaries ages 16 and up — regardless of health condition. Reminders: At your appointment, you will be asked to provide your military or dependent ID, CAC or TRICARE coverage card. Wear a loose-fitting shirt as the vaccine is administered in the upper arm. Patients are asked to wait 15 minutes in the Wright-Patterson Club waiting room after receiving a dose.