AFRL researcher honored with 2019 SASE award Published Aug. 8, 2019 By Donna Lindner Air Force Research Laboratory WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers holds an annual awards banquet to celebrate the successes of SASE members who enhance the scientific and engineering professions through contributions to the global business world, academia, and local communities. Dr. Vikas Varshney is one of four award winners from AFRL to be recognized by SASE in 2019. Varshney, of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, is a recipient of the award for Professional Achievement. This category emphasizes criteria met or exceeded in one of five areas: uniqueness of contributions to the organization, leadership abilities and initiative, professional and/or technical achievements, potential for advancement and social and/or economic value of the development. This award recognizes Varshney for the significant discoveries and important advances made in multi-scale modeling, nanocomposites, and carbon nanostructures for Air Force relevant challenges. His current work focuses on using machine learning and multi-scale modeling frameworks to develop novel materials such as high-TOS (thermally-oxidative stable) polymers and nano-sensors, to discover fundamental of cure kinetics of aerospace-relevant thermoset polymers, as well as to advance understanding of composites materials for next-generation aerospace structural applications. Varshney leads multiple research areas of importance to future aerospace systems and is consistently consulted on topics such as molecular modeling, polymer science, artificial intelligence/machine learning, nanomaterials and thermal management. In addition, the award honors Varshney’s leadership initiatives, volunteer activities and encouragement of science, technology and math in the local community. He is described as a successful role model and mentor for students and young professionals. “Excellent leadership and job performance are great assets to AFRL,” said Maj Gen Cooley, AFRL Commander. “Dr. Vikas Varshney’s contributions to the Air Force and the technical arena are outstanding. He is an excellent role model for students and young professionals,” said Dr. Jennifer Fielding, AFRL Composite Performance and Applications Section Chief. “His contributions set a high standard for AFRL and our community.” Varshney has published over 75 peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings, peer-reviewed over 150 manuscripts, and routinely presents his research and represent AFRL in national and international conferences. “I am extremely honored to receive this award. It is a testament to a lot of people (both my family and AFRL peers) who have contributed knowingly or unknowingly towards my professional achievements and growth.” said Varshney. “I am thrilled to do great research for the Air Force amongst a team of enthusiastic co-workers and technical experts in materials research. I plan to keep forging ahead and represent AFRL the best I can.” “This is absolutely outstanding news for a job well done”, said Timothy Sakulich, Materials and Manufacturing Director of AFRL. “My congratulations on representing yourself and the Air Force so well.” Varshney will be recognized during the 2019 SASE National Conference and STEM Career Fair Achievement Awards Dinner, held on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the Westin Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In addition, Varshney will also be highlighted in the 2019 SASE National Conference magazine and SASE’s website. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is the primary scientific research and development center for the Air Force. AFRL plays an integral role in leading the discovery, development, and integration of affordable warfighting technologies for our air, space, and cyberspace force. With a workforce of more than 11,000 across nine technology areas and 40 other operations across the globe, AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development. For more information, visit: