Wright-Patterson Chiefs' Group honors nine local scholars Published Aug. 30, 2018 By Mark C. Lyle Wright-Patterson Ar Force Base WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The Wright-Patterson Chiefs' Group partnered with First Command and the Forbeck Family Foundation to provide scholarships for academic and technical college programs Aug. 17 at the United Service Organization Inc. The Chiefs Group hosted an awards luncheon themed “My Academic Goals and My Contribution to Society” to announce and recognize their 2018 scholarship winners. Candidates were required to submit an essay describing their educational goals and how they will use their skills and knowledge to contribute to society. Nine scholarships amounting to $9,500 were awarded in the categories of unmarried dependents of active duty, reserve, guard, or retired enlisted members and active duty, reserve, or guard enlisted members who are attached or assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB. The Chiefs Group and First Command Scholarship winners are selected based on individual needs, individual merit, or a combination of both. The Forbeck Scholarship is awarded to the applicant, who displays a level of hard work, determination and excellent effort toward their educational goals and dreams. The award is present by Robert Forbeck, grandson who flies in from Nevada to personally present and congratulate the winner. The Forbeck name has been connected to Wright-Patt since 1941, when Clarence and Eleanor Forbeck began working at Wright and Patterson Fields. The Chiefs Group has partnered with the First Command Educational Foundation and the Forbeck Family Foundation since 2011. Scholarship Winners in the Chief Master Sergeant category were Zoey Mann, MaKenzie Kelley and Molly Brown. Winners in the Senior Master Sergeant and below category were Ms. Breonna Gillespie, and Kade Utz. Winners in the active duty category were Tech. Sgt. Donald Weber, Senior Airman Jessica Andrews and Staff Sgt. Ahmed Abdul-Rahim. The Forbeck scholarship winner was Katarina Dranchak. The Chiefs' Group, First Command and Forbeck awards are presented annually.