• Published
  • By Plans and Programs Directorate
Researchers from AFRL and SRA International, Inc., developed Visual Checklist--a software program that provides process standardization, simple process documentation, decision support, and repeatable analyses, increasing both the productivity and the target identification accuracy of hyperspectral analysts. The Visual Checklist tool has aided the transition of hyperspectral exploitation technology from the scientific community to the operational environment.
Visual Checklist is integrated with the Common Measurement and Signature Intelligence Advanced Geospatial Imagery Exploitation Tool (COMET), incorporated as part of that system's core functionality. Currently in use at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, the technology has proven itself useful in an operational environment, transitioning successfully into practical application.
The utility of Visual Checklist lies in its capacity to document analysis procedures and disseminate them to operational analysts. The user-friendly tool provides a means for easily locating established procedures and thus enables analysts to perform their duties more efficiently and consistently. Further, the tool's additional features, such as its integration with COMET wizards, facilitate automation of the many steps comprising the analysis checklist.
Because Visual Checklist provides detailed steps for performing the level of analysis needed to maintain operational continuity, it also reduces the learning curve associated with training new analysts. For each step involved in a process, the tool provides decision support that explains the reason for completing that particular step. Another valuable Visual Checklist feature is its capacity to record the actual process an analyst chooses to employ for a given analysis sequence. The software automatically captures and marks steps as complete as the analyst performs them. Once captured, the analysis becomes available for repeated use. A related feature provides analysts a simple method for entering notes throughout the process. The varying levels of accessible detail included in Visual Checklist support novice and experienced users alike.