Virtual Air Force Marathon Packets ready for pick-up Published Sept. 17, 2021 By Kimberly Gaither 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Virtual participants of the 25th Air Force Marathon can pick up 2021 race packet and premiums Friday, Sept. 17, noon-7:00 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 18, 8 a.m.-noon at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Participant packets will be located outside in the Air Park by the C-17. Free onsite parking will be available. Packets include runner’s official race shirt, commemorative patch, race bib, finisher towel, and finisher medal(s). “We are excited that we are still finding a way to connect with our participants,” said Brandon Hough, Air Force Marathon director. “We encourage all of our registered participants to go for a run on any of the areas wonderful 350 miles of interconnected trails and swing by before or after to get their gear!” In the event participants are unable to attend the scheduled pick-up times, authorization forms are available at Authorization forms will allow a trusted representative to pick-up a packet in the place of the participants. This form should be completed and must be presented with a copy of the virtual participants ID, in addition to the authorized persons ID. Representatives who do not have these three items will not be permitted to pick up a virtual participants race packet. In the event both the participant and representative are unable to pick the packet up on the designated days, it will be mailed to the participant in October. Registration and spots are still available to participate in the 2021 Air Force Marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K, Tailwind Trot, Relay, and both Fly!Fight!Win! Challenge series. To register, visit Tune in to the Air Force Marathon website, Facebook page and YouTube at noon on Saturday, September 18 where we will be revealing the 2022 featured aircraft of the 26th Annual Air Force Marathon will be revealed! Note: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is currently in HPCON-Charlie and everyone must comply with physical distancing guidelines of 6 feet and wearing of a facial mask while on the installation regardless of vaccination status. -30- Any media interested in covering the event, please contact Wright-Patterson public affairs at (937) 522-3252.