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VOL. 4, NO. 3 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2025

Military Appreciation Game Honors Wright-Patt Airmen

U.S. Air Force Col. Dustin Richards, 88th Air Base Wing and Installation commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Tessa Fontaine, 88 ABW command chief, along with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base airmen, are recognized at the Wright State University Military Appreciation Game at the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio, on Jan. 25, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photos by Jack Gardner)

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Skywrighter: 937-522-3251
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88 ABW Public Affairs Editorial Staff 

Col. Dustin Richards 88 ABW Commander
Bob Purtiman Chief, WPAFB Installation Public Affairs
Stacey Geiger Command Information Chief Skywrighter Liaison
Meghan Howard Website Manager


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