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  • Serbian, Wright-Patt doctors talk pandemic best practices

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Five doctors from the Serbian armed forces met with 88th Medical Group personnel at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on Aug. 19 during their state visit with the Ohio Air National Guard.The trip reinforced the Serbian military’s 15-year friendship with the

  • New chancellor builds bridges to AFIT mission

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Dr. Walter Jones, Air Force Institute of Technology’s new director and chancellor, has already forged diverse channels to advance and promote AFIT’s work since his arrival in June.From faculty positions at Clemson University, University of Tennessee,

  • AFRL matching tech to needs with international partners

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The Air Force Research Laboratory is reaching out to technical innovators and entrepreneurs within Israel to tap into potential new partnership opportunities. A group of AFRL scientists and engineers, hosted by Dr. Ehud Galun of the Israel Ministry of