Parking issues on base are manageable with assistance

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Oh. -- Everyone has had a moment on base when he or she is searching for parking and nothing appears to be available. Every day more than 20,000 vehicles park on our installation.

The 88th Civil Engineer Group (CEG) recognizes there are areas at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base that can become congested and parking can be a challenge. Particularly, downtown Area B and in the vicinity of Air Force Materiel Command and the National Air & Space Intelligence Center in Area A are areas where parking can be hard to find.  

This is an issue CE works closely with facility managers, parking wardens and 88 Security Forces Squadron to address. It is our responsibility to balance special needs for parking and implement effective enforcement mechanisms for parking privileges to minimize abuse.

There are two categories of reserved parking spaces: spaces open to those meeting a certain criteria and those assigned to a certain person or position.

Handicap and government vehicles are easy to spot, so it is relatively easy to identify if a vehicle is improperly parked. These spaces are located throughout the base to allow those with the required   placard or license plate access to the base facilities. The visual display of the placard or license plate makes enforcement easier, allowing parking wardens to quickly determine if a vehicle is parked illegally.

Spaces assigned to a specific person or position are harder to enforce; typically violators are identified when the individual assigned the space logs a complaint. Wright-Patterson Instruction 31-116 clearly defines who is authorized to have designated reserved parking. Facility managers are required to review the assignment of reserved parking spaces annually.

Periodically, CE receives requests for special   parking spaces to be designated for specific populations (i.e. expectant mothers). Whenever possible, we avoid reserved parking for special populations because these spaces are difficult to enforce. Instead, special populations with a medical need can request, via their medical provider, a temporary pass to allow them to park in designated handicap slots. The base is required to designate a certain number of handicap parking spaces, and existing requirements for displaying placards helps parking wardens enforce the proper use of such spots.

Finally, it is also important to remember that there are few parking wardens   , and it usually is an additional duty. In many cases, the facility manager also serves as the parking warden. This may mean that there is only one for your facility. It is important for everyone to be vigilant and report illegally parked vehicles to a parking warden or facility manager.

CE's mission exists to support and to ensure the various missions at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base can be accomplished in the most efficient and effective manner. If there are issues within your facility or with the base infrastructure in general, have your facility manager contact CE customer service at 257-3131.